I like for my blog postings to have a theme.
Unfortunately, tonight's blog is full of one-off stories about my day. While I hope you all enjoy the
This American Life style of tonight's post, I apologize in advance for the random nature. Our story tonight, in three parts.
Act one: Lady, are you serious?!While rants about the gym (and more specifically, the gym locker room) are usually the property of my cousin-in-law-in-law,
Angela, I felt this story needed to be shared.
For those of you who have never been to a Lifetime, let me help you visualize the locker room layout. Imagine a long rectangle. At the top-left corner is the entrance. Flanking the entire left wall is a row of sinks and a continuous mirror. The rest of the space is full of groups of lockers shaped like a U, with the open portion of the U facing the mirror.
We all know that the locker room is full of naked people. It's one of those things no sane person looks forward to. I look straight into my locker and try to move as quickly as possible while changing in and out of workout clothes. Tonight, when I finished my workout, I returned to the locker room to find a woman sitting on the bench in the middle of my "U" of lockers butt-naked, facing the mirror and
plucking her leg hair. She was still there when I left.
Act two: a shot, a pill, a spray, and an addiction...I am, once again, suffering from a sinus infection. We have finally found a family doctor, which makes it so easy to make an appointment. As this is my third infection this year, the doctor felt I was probably going to need to get some imaging of my face done in the next few years - joy! But, for the time being, he gave me an allergy shot, an antibiotic to kill the current infection, and a nasal spray to help prevent future infections (which is said I could take or not take depending on how I feel over the next month or two). Because my sinus infections usually manifest as a terrible headache, he also offered me pain medication. Seriously? He offered it twice. I thought about saying, "oh yes, can you make that
oxycontin?" just to see if I could get away with it.
Act three: a tree!I know I keep promising updated yard pictures to the entire family. Well, here it is. The petunias have taken over the
hostas, but neighbors continue to comment on the remarkable transformation from last year to this year. Way to go us!
p.s. - Please forgive our brown grass. We are trying to kill the weeds and the yard is mostly weeds.