Because this has been a jam-packed 10 days, I thought I would catch everyone up on what has been happening.
Last Thursday
We got back from Hawaii. It was a wonderful trip, and an opportunity for Mike and I to really reconnect. Oh... you want pictures? Click here.
Angela's sister Michele got married! Anyone who knows me, knows I love weddings. Mike and I were responsible for watching Zach during the ceremony. I said a little prayer while we were in the beautiful catholic church during the ceremony, "Dear God, Thank you for Cheerios." The wedding was stunning, as was Michele. The reception was at the Lincoln Presidential Museum. We ate and danced between the White House and a Log Cabin. It was truly charming (with the exception of the John Wilkes Booth was statue, which I swear was giving me the evil eye).
We're refinancing! We have successfully completed a year of payments on our house, and with rates low it's the perfect time to save a little money each month. We are keeping our fingers crossed that all of the hard work we have done over the past year has paid off when they do the appraisal.
We bought a car. Like I said, it's been quite a week. This is the first new car either Mike or I have ever owned. It's a 2010 Volkswagen GTI. 4-door, manual, white. We are nervous about driving it, parking it, eating in it, and looking at it. The best part... satellite radio, baby. That's 24 hours of show tunes a day for Ann. (Sorry, Mike!).

My family doctor finally told me it was time to go see a specialist about my sinus problems. Yesterday, I met with Dr. Raviv and had a wonderful and reassuring experience. He knew exactly what I was going through and did not seem worried that we would be able to knock it. It's a combination of heavy hitting drugs right now to completely kill any infection, followed by "maintenance" drugs to suppress further infections. To find out what exactly my body has decided is trying to kill me, I am going to see an allergist. Good news, even if it's the cats, he says we can work around it.
That's today. And, today is my birthday.