Thanks to one of my favorite bloggers... see here... I am once again pondering the question of babies.
Oh fine... you've got me... I never stop thinking about babies - the adorable leg rolls, the sweet powder smell, the weight of a sleeping darling in your arms, the smiles and the giggles and....
Oh, right... reality - the diapers, the complete consumption, the sleeping (lack, that is), the weight, the mess, the fevers...
Here's the honest truth. I think I will be a pretty good mother. Not because I love children (which I do), or because I take great join in caring for others (which I do), or because I come from very good parenting stock (which I do). I think I will be a good parent for a completely unromantic reason. I love a good challenge. I at my best when tested. I love working really hard at important things and coming up with creative solutions. And, lord knows, if parenting is not the greatest life challenge that tests one's strength and demands creativity, I don't know what is.
And so, though I am still years from a baby, I think a lot about what it means to be a mom. I listen to my friends who are just starting to have little ones of their own. What are the trials. What are the tribulations. What works. What doesn't. I question my husband endlessly... What do you think about private schools? Breast feeding? Bike helmets? TV? Chores? Chores with allowance? Boyfriends? Drugs? College savings? Discipline? Nutrition? Booster seats for teenagers? (Anyone else think that law has gotten out of hand? I mean, it's a damn miracle we didn't all just fly out of the window while driving to Wal-Mart!!!)
Are you exhausted? I am. And, I am scared! What if I fuck up? Because ladies and gents, if there is one thing I believe with all of my heart, it is that children learn. They learn and learn and learn. Screwed up choices create screwed up children. You find a child who hits - I would put money on a parent who hits.
But, the problem is, we all know it is not always that obvious. One of the mothers I admire most talks a lot about accidental parenting. It basically boils down to this... Mom and Dad, when you feed your child the french fries and ranch they want every night, you are not only teaching your child how to get fat (very quickly), but also that they are in charge. I want us to wake up and pay attention to our children.
If you are not ready to parent - DON'T! Take down your "child at play" sign and go play on the swings with your kids. Turn off the tv and read your child a book or check their homework. Say no to the Nemo fruit roll-ups (unless they are also for your husband) and tell your kids to eat their peas.
So when will I be ready to parent? Not now. I like my life. I like being selfish. And, I think that is just fine. I also hope that in 4 or 5 or 6 (but then I am hitting 30... eek) years, it just happens. That I can make my husband a meal of baby shrimp and carrots like Becky did for Jesse.
Share your baby stories... Or, motherly wisdom... Or, parenting pet peeves...
1 comment:
1. you will be so good at it.
2. you will like it more than you would ever believe.
3. you won't make it 4-5 years. you're so ready now.
and, no worries, you might screw them up a little, but they'll love you anyway. that's what makes families so great.
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