The camisole is, I believe, the female equivalent of a man's white undershirt. (At this point I should warn the men in my life, you may not enjoy the detailed review of the cami.) More importantly, when you are a large chested lady (like myself), it's a necessity for deep-v necklines or lighter sweaters.
But the cami is not designed for those who are curvy. It has a tiny straps, which barely cover my grandma-like bra straps. "But they have a built in bra?" my small-chested friends comment to themselves. Silly ladies, that shelf bra doesn't hold up anything substantial. In fact, the shelf bra is more trouble than it's worth. It only pulls the camisole down, showing off everything one is trying to cover up.
And so, I have been on the hunt for a tank made of the smooth cami-like fabric, but with the coverage of a good ole' fashioned tank top.
Today, I found it! After an entire summer of searching, I found a collection of exactly what I wanted at Target... of course. It's the best $7.99 I've spent in a long time.
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