Today, I am going to share some of my favorite things about other people. Without them, my life would not be nearly interesting enough to share with you. (While many might argue that it’s not that interesting now, you’re the one reading this. Touche!)
My husband. In the nearly three years we have been married he has never once started a meal any other way than by saying, “Thank you for dinner, Ann. It looks great!” Followed by a quick kiss.My Dad. He built a tower in the woods like a crazy person. (I am secretly jealous of how cool it is.) Must be why he always had me keep my hair short!
My Vet. She thinks my cat stories are hilarious. I know, what else is she going to do while she sticks a thermometer up my cats A*%? But, really, I think she cares!
My boss. We can spend nine, 10-hour days together in a row and not kill each other. We even like each other. Also, she has a gum ball machine in her office.

My husband’s cousin’s wife. (Sorry, that’s the best I can do.) She proudly announced that if Julia Child didn’t start cooking until she was 30, than by George there’s hope for all of us. Cook on!
My brother-in-law.See “Need to call Robert” at this blog. Also, he’s the only person I that always laughs so hard whatever he is drinking comes out of his nose.
My first grade student teacher. She taught me to read, and someday she will help me teach my children to read. Amazing how life can come full circle.

My mom. Where to begin? On car trips, she would make a list of musical songs we could sing together to pass the time. She picked me up from school for lunch every Friday. She is my example for living life and loving all.
Who is your favorite person and why?
(Please note: If you want to seem unique, feel free to come up with an alias for your story about me... seriously though, write about someone else.)
I guess you mean besides YOU?
Well, I love my dad. Always practical, never too serious and willing to let anyone be his or herself.
Also, he leaves funny, though often incoherent, blog comments.
I love Ann because:
1. She is "from the corn."
2. She knows a lot about fonts.
3. She cooked an entire Christmas meal directly following Malthouse's final.
4. She single-handedly helped me pull off the ultimate Christmas miracle -- the 2006 IMC Roast.
5. She likes Kefi in New York just as much as I do.
I'll try not to gloat too much that David didn't make your list!
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