This was Bike-to-Work Week in Chicago. In 2006, my employer, Paper Source, won the Bike to Work Week Commuter Challenge in the category of business/non-profit 100-499 employees. Everyone was encouraged to help us earn back the title - with a goal of 50% employee participation. (Even the CEO rode her bike 22 miles into the city!)
Before I gloat about how I did ride the one mile stint to and from the train station (which counts) one day last week, let me talk a bit about my problem with Bike-to-Work Week.
I am a fan of non-driving commuting. I love encouraging people to move around (I hesitate to use the term exercise because I don't think a one-mile ride counts. Horrible person?) But! I do both of those things EVERY DAY. My husband drops me off in the morning at the Metra station. I take the commuter train into the city and then walk the .75 mile to the office. I do the same for the reverse commute, except I walk home from the station. Now, I'm no hero, but shouldn't that count?! It didn't. In fact, we had to go out and spend money to get a new bike lock and innertubes for the bike.
However... with my grumbling out of the way, I am excited to say that I did it! (Even though I really didn't want to.) My super-bike-lovin-so-excited-he-got-up-early-to-take-pictures husband was thrilled. He has been trying to get me on a bike with him since our dating days. I know he hoped it would be the start of my new great love for two hour rides along the lake with him. While I did remember the joy of ridding with the breeze blowing through your hair (well... around your helmet. You should wear a helmet!), it soon lost it's glory as the North Shore's endless collection of SUVs came whizzing past. Perhaps I can get a fancy bell and some streamers... I can usually be convinced with the right accessories.
What are your huffy memories and peg dreams?
i love bikes, specifically cruisers, but i would not bike 22 miles to work. i think your daily routine is more than adequate. and i dig the helmet on you. it works.
I would love it if you got into cycling. Then David would be jealous that you and Mike are both into cycling and then he'd get into cycling. But it sounds like you aren't ready to trigger that chain of events.
This is great info to know.
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