Last night my lovely, delightful, smart, gorgeous, funny best friend came up for dinner. And, as she told her latest tale of boy-dumbness, I found myself hating boys.
Now, for the record, I don't mean the sweet, endearing helpful kind - like my husband, and brother-in-law and my friends (some of them) .
What I mean, is the kind of guy that thinks is it totally cool to not have a salary at 26. The kind of guy who thinks it is really funny to be demeaning towards women. The kind of guy that considers beer more important than being sober while giving his vows.
There are some things I can forgive. For instance, always throwing your clothes 8 inches from the laundry basket... that I can forgive. But, telling someone who is a SIZE 2 that he "likes bigger girls," is a shit thing to do. Allowing your parents to make fun of your girlfriend, not ok. Saying you can't come to Christmas because you are on call and having dinner with another girl, deplorable.
But... what is a girl to do?! We are raised to be attracted to exciting men. And men who put the clothes all the way in the basket... well... they aren't that exciting.
But, exciting only gets you so far. All highs, come with lows. And lows equal ass holes! The guy that tries to take you home from the bar when you are three drinks in... he's not "the one!"
Marriage is a blessing, but it is hard work. It is not romance and candles every day. It is the steady, thoughtful consistency of life. So you need to pick someone that you want to be your friend for a very long time.
So, I beg you mothers... raise your sons well (we'll get to daughters another day - I need more time). Teach them to be kind and self-sufficient. Teach them to be considerate and aware. And, most importantly, teach them to put their damn boxers in the hamper.
(You are worth it!)
What do you hate most about boys?
What do you looovvee most about boys?
DISH, ladies!
Love boys because the good ones can make you feel safe and girly. Hate the bad ones because they can break your heart without batting an eyelash. (Or even realizing what they did.)
And let's be honest, even the good ones can sometimes be a little clueless. Girls are far more in tune with emotions, putting others first and doing things right and without asking.
But guys are simple and sometimes that's just what we need.
We don't know each other but I just wanted to say that I loved this post on "Boys" I also had to tell you I love that you said (shit) It's one of my very favorite words, but I never use it in my posts because I often edit my writing to appease the fam...
Anyway, thanks for the laugh- and for the record, I married a GOOD BOY!!!
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