I am a unique snowflake. Or, at least that is what my husband tells me when I am demanding attention.
Welcome to my world. (Or, blogdom as I like to call it)
- In my world, you will be able to get Godiva honey almond truffles everywhere. (Did I mention they are fat free?)
- In my world, Southwest will always Ding! me for $49 tickets to Maui. (Cleveland, of course, will always be full-price, refundable only)
- In my world, I always have fresh flowers. (Don't think I mean carnations)
- In my world, my OCD will switch from rearranging bottles to the treadmill.
- In my world, I get to cook for my friends and family every day. (and use Paula Dean amounts of butter)
- In my world, having lots of cat will not make you crazy. (Two does not make you crazy!)
- In my world, everything can be turned into a song. (Try it - "Don't miss that exit ramp, yeah!)
- In my world, mommies who can't drive will not drive the biggest SUVs on the market, while putting on their lipstick, while changing the radio, while their kids jump around in the back seat, while they are saying to their friend on the cell phone, "You just can't have enough air bags."
- In my world, bread will always be served with butter. (Does anyone like olive oil?)
- In my world, I will not feel a need to remove the dust cover from books with "shopaholic" or "baby" in the title and a main character who is single, white, female lawyer/journalist/banker.
- In my world, "The Office" will have a new episode every week. (Can I get an Amen?!)
- In my world, good parenting will have nothing to do with portable DVD players and flower-shaped cheese.
- In my world, great shoes will not go unnoticed. (Feel free to notice the above fabulousness)
- In my world, weddings happen everyday.
- In my world, PlayStation 2 (or substitute the video game console of your choice) will magically shut itself off after 1 hour each night.
- In my world, I am a unique snowflake!
What does your world look like....?
In my world, there are Targets on every corner instead of gas stations.
In my world, it's a law that you must consume at least 3 cups of (homemade) salsa a day.
In my world, swedish fish are a vegetable.
In my world, you write a brilliant post like this every day.
In my world, all lamps have been replaced.
a few things:
1. amen on the office.
B. flower-shaped cheese?
C. let me guess where that PlayStation comment is aimed...
love the blog!
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