It was at that point, that I decided it was time to find a new dentist. As I do whenever I need to find reliable information, I turned to the internet. After spending an hour or so reading reviews of dentists and checking out their websites, I settled on making an appointment with Dr. Shepstone in Glenview.
People! This is the dentist. You have a cavity? Cleaning? Oral surgery? I've got your guy.
I set up an appointment to have an exam and meet the dentists, as I wanted to test the waters after my last experience. I was immediately impressed with his professionalism and thoroughness. I was even reassured by the families in the waiting room. Call me crazy, but a waiting room with one of those block roller coasters, makes me feel like I belong.
Today, I went in for my root canal (because, yes, I needed one... not just a crown), and I wasn't disappointed. The appointment started with my dentist explaining that I would be wearing movie goggles during the entire appointment and he would place a guard in my mouth to hold my jaw open so it wouldn't get tired. What? I'd never heard of such fancy gadgets. They got started by numbing me up something fierce. At three points, he stopped to ask about my comfort level. At the half-way mark, we took a 10 minute break to let my jaw relax. And, they gave me pain medication before I left so that when the local anaesthetic wore off, I wouldn't be in any pain.
While I am sure I have a few painful hours and nights ahead, it was a fairly painless experience. That, and Score is still a pretty good movie!
p.s. - if you need a new dentists... GO HERE! http://www.glenviewfamilydentist.com/
p.s.s. - I'm working on the house pictures right now!
Do I ever have empathy for you!! In the last 18 months I have had 3 crowns with two needing root canals after. Neither of the root canals went easy no fault of the dentist, but more my extra number of canals in each tooth. Wish I had had fancy movie googles like you had. Glad that you are doing ok. I feel like a new woman now that my teeth are squared away.
Glad to hear you had a good experience! Too bad I don't live in your area. Though I do like my dentist here.
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