The last few weeks have been full of big tasks. Tasks that leave you exhausted at the end of the day, but with no great sense of accomplishment. It's the way you feel when packing up a house. 10 boxes may seem like a lot of work, but it's only a bookcase or three kitchen cabinets.
Today, I had a press-ok at our printer around noon. Lucky for me, the printer is right by my house, and so I decided to take the afternoon off and come home. I am still doing some work and answer emails; but it has been a completely satisfying afternoon. Check. Check. Check. I have spent the afternoon enjoying the joy that comes with cleaning a toilet and swapping out laundry.
Some of you might be surprised to know this feeling is generally unrelated to the forum in which something is completed. For instance, I can spend three hours on a challenging business problem and feel just as good as when I finish a batch of cookies.
A true peak into my psyche... my level of satisfaction is directly related to the number of people who are affected by my work. This is the only reason dusting is not quiet as great as making a birthday cake. This also may have some baring on my obsession with planning rockin' events.
In any event, today I am feeling good (and my house is feeling clean), so stop by and I'll make you a cake...
What are the little things that make you happy?
Going to dinner with you guys and eating the world's tiniest hamburgers. (Even though I provided poor conversation and my daughter provided a bit too much distraction.)
And I'm with you on this stuff!
sleeping in, men's watches, peonies, motown songs, fountain pens, sharpies, jack rogers, clean sheets, chocolate chip cookies (served with insulin), taking off in an airplane, boat rides, witty people (like Ann Elliott), fireworks, wind, swimming in the ocean, iced coffee and last, but certainly not least, taking pictures
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